Fundraising Events

Bob Graham Round!

By 27th May 2019 No Comments

At the end of May, Ali Richards will be setting out on the Bob Graham round, a notoriously difficult challenge – to run 42 classic Lakeland peaks, clocking up over 100km and over 8000m of ascent, in under 24 hours… Good luck Ali!

On Thursday/Friday this week (30-31 May) I am attempting a 'Bob Graham' round of 42 peaks in the Lake District.. This is a challenge I have had on the back burner for a good few years but it was reading Dave's own words at the start of the year that inspired me to just get on and have a crack at it. I have asked my fellow runners, friends and family to all donate to the campaign and the response so far has been fantastic.
Dave is an old friend of mine from university (we both studied Geography) and then following on from uni we spent a year in Australia and New Zealand having many brilliant adventures together.

Ali Richards

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